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Our Products: Welcome

From our paddocks to your door

Aware of the benefits of organic production and organic food, we decided to diversify our diary farm activities to be able to offer wellness to the public, the staff, and the environment. We now offer you a range of seasonal and nutrient-dense food produced in our Organic Certified Farm.

  • No antibiotics

  • No hormones

  • No synthetic chemicals

  • No GMO feed


Every morning we let the chooks off so they walk freely to get the vitamin E from the sunshine and a variety of feed that includes worms, bugs, and insects in the soil and grass. We also give them the offcuts of the veggies, which they love. They spend the night at their house, where they have organic grain available and lay the eggs in the morning. All this makes Nutritious and flavorful eggs.

Eggs on Table



Enjoy light, delicious honey, harvested from our slice of paradise right in the heart of the Waikato, where our happy, busy bees thrive on a diverse range of flowers on our organic farm.


Our honey is raw, maintaining high levels of antioxidants and antibacterial/antifungal properties. 


100% pure honey with no added sugar (or anything else).

Beekeeper at Work

Beef & Lamb

Our animals graze freely on our spacious, green pastures 365 days a year. They enjoy plenty of fresh air and sunshine thanks to the Waikato climate. 


We work with nature to provide them with a nourishing, mineral dense diet. They produce the most natural meat, with no trace of GMO, hormones, or antibiotics.


Get our products delivered from The Organic Food Shop


At Pikiroa Farm, our girls enjoy spacious paddocks and grazing 365 days a year. They love their extra goodies too - we supplement their diet with grass silage and kiwifruit. 


Our beautiful herd of 450 cows produces the most flavourful, clean, and natural milk that goes to Fonterra, where is processed and sent to the rest of the world.   


will also be the main ingredient for our future project, high-quality, artisan dairy products: delicious bottled milk, cheeses, and yogurts. 



Cattle at Sunrise


Over the course of a year, we produce over 30 different kinds of fruits and vegetables. When you order them online directly from us, they are hand-picked and harvested the same day as delivery, ensuring maximum freshness and nutrient retention. 


Buying your fruit and vegetables locally from our organic certified garden means super fresh, healthy seasonal produce all year round.

 Our Shop


Get your goodies direct from us, visit The Organic Food Shop online, or at the Waikato Farmers Market, where you can get our premium organic beef and lamb, honey, and free-range organic eggs.


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